
Shukado Newsletter vol. 85

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Dear customers and friends, 


I hope that you are enjoying Christmas now. 

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to send the newsletter since the Art Taipei in November...

Have you noticed that our English webpage has changed recently??

In this website, we've added the tag function. 
So now it should be much easier and more convenient to find items you are looking for.
And we are updating new arrival of prints as follows:


Please contact us if you have any questions about our items.

By the way, I regret to inform you that I'm going to quit my gallery at the end of December for personal reason.
We really appreciate all of your support and courtesy. 
I'm moving to Kyoto from Tokyo though, I shall always remember you.
From January, our reliable colleague, Ms. Akiko Yamada is taking over my job as a contact person for overseas customers. 
So your continued support will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much again
and best wishes for a Happy new year!

Sincerely yours, 



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This page contains a single entry by 秋華洞 published on December 25, 2012 8:45 PM.

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