How to use currency converter

You can check the item price and shipping cost in multiple currencies.
However, we are afraid we can accept only `USD' when you actually check
out.(Japanese yen also is acceptable.)

We hope the multiple currency display will give you some idea of the
price of each item.

Please select the currency at the convert window. Under the USD price,
your selected currency will be displayed in parenthesis. At item page,
you can see the item's cost in both USD and the currency you have chosen.

To know the convert rate, please check the this page. The rate will be
updated everyweek.

In the shopping cart the item cost are displayed only in USD
for USD(and yen) is the only currency we can accept as the payment.

* Payment in Yen
We can accept yen. We calucurate at the rate of the ordered day.
Shipping cost in the item page is the case we send our items to Tokyo.
We will e-mail you the acutual shipping cost later.

* We are sorry but we accept only USD or yen.
Currency US $ Exchange Rate Date
U.S. Dollar (US $) 1 1 -
Japan (YEN ) 1 153.7555 Jul 27, 2024 JST
Canada (CA $) 1 1.38315 Jul 27, 2024 JST
Australia (AU $) 1 1.526123 Jul 27, 2024 JST
United Kingdom (PND ) 1 0.776774 Jul 27, 2024 JST
Hong Kong (HK $) 1 7.80692 Jul 27, 2024 JST
Singapore (SG $) 1 1.34244 Jul 27, 2024 JST
EU (EUR ) 1 0.92101 Jul 27, 2024 JST
(CHF ) 1 0.883421 Jul 27, 2024 JST
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