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  4. Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido
  5. The Fifty-Three Post-Stations along the Tokaido Highway : Fukuroi

Hiroshige The Fifty-Three Post-Stations along the Tokaido Highway : Fukuroi

Item No A1-99-295
Series Fifty-three-Stations-of-the-Tokaido
Title The Fifty-Three Post-Stations along the Tokaido Highway : Fukuroi
Artist Hiroshige
Date c.1833〜34
Condition Foxing,Repair
Size 38×25cm
Price $1658.02

Ukiyoe painter. Also referred to as Ichiyusai, Ichiyosai, Utashige, and others. A pupil of Toyohiro. He started his career as working on the illustration for Kyoka (=comic Tanka poem) book or the actor painting. In 1832, he went up to the capital accompanying the Bakufu's procession, where being inspired so much, he produced and published, in the following year, " Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido " based on his experience on the journey. Its success boosted him to become a landscape painter. Afterwards, he successively sent out the masterpiece to the world such as "Famous Views of the Various Provinces" and “Famous Views of Edo". Other representative pieces are "Famous Views of the Eastern Capital", " One Hundred Famous Views of Edo ", and so on.

This is the piece from the Fifty-three Stations of Tokaido, a representative serial artwork by Utagawa Hiroshige published between 1844 and 1846.